From Juices, Juha

It was said that Juha to be consumed by coal, and then returned donkeys and purity of the donkey, which was Almtaztihh and found nine, rushed to get off the back of the donkey and found again and found ten, Vrbk again and promised them and found nine, and then came down and found them ten and stayed repeated this repeatedly and repeated Then he said: I walk and win a donkey to be behind me so far to his home was Juha riding and cat and then descended from him and signed the bag near the scene of the presence of the Sheyal, came a thief stole and carried and walked and followed him Juha is hilarious, and when he approached his house took the bag from the thief and said 14: I thank you, Sir, because he protected the craft from the eyes of the worlds you eat This? He replied, "Juha is the soup of course, so you have lost the duck," so he took advantage of his broth. He borrowed Juha one day from his broth. And the stability of riding the constants and rewind Go to hell, said Juha Otsdq that the tangerine breed and do not believe that the tangerine dies One of them tells Juha that his donkey has been lost and rejoiced Juha very joyous and prostrated Thank God said to him: What you fool you are happy and lost your donkey? Juha said to him: I thank God because I was not riding it, but I do not want him passengers alike Juha: I did not know that if the woman entered a place became high and his turn this place now modifies after marriage.

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