The story of Juha and the donkeys
Bukhara bought ten donkeys, one of them and nine legs in front of him. Then he returned the donkeys and forgot the donkey he was riding and found nine. He got out of the donkey and promised to find ten. He rode again and found and found nine. Then they went down and found them and returned ten times. They said: I walk and win a good donkey. Donkey and donkey behind the donkey until he reached his home.

The story of Hijjah and the donkey and his son

One day, Juha and his son were packing their bags ready to travel to the neighboring city. They were riding on the back of their donkey to start their journey. On the way they passed a small village and took people to look at them with strange looks and say, "Look at these priests. "When they were about to reach the second village, the son came down from the donkey and walked on his feet so that the people of this village would not say about them, as they were told in the village before them. When they entered the village, the people saw them and said," Look at this unjust father. He relaxes over his donkey, "and when they were close to him To reach the village after which Juha came out of the donkey and said to his son, you ride on donkey, and when they entered the village, people saw them and said: "Look at this impotent son leaves his father walking on the ground as he relaxes on the donkey." His son is above the donkey so that people have no authority over them, and when they entered the city and saw them the people of the city said: "Look at these fools walking on their feet and tired themselves and leave the donkey behind them walking for unity," when they arrived sold the donkey.

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